Beyond Authenticity
Channeled By :
Angel Miguel De Hoyos Kolek 

   Beyond Authenticity is what we call the vast riches of light and love. We see many more messages coming to you if you keep this up we will continue to send you more messages of light and love. We seldom get to use you for our sacred messages. Most Trance channels have time to be schooled  for this work and we see you have been preparing for this kind of work. So we are considering to send more messages your way. With regards to the names of who we are we will continue to lead you in the right direction. So my suggestion is to keep working on it. It will be necessary to focus more in the field of trance channeling if you intend to to be a Trance channel then we see more opportunities to assist the community. We are no stranger to working with you perhaps you will remember us best from the time when you where a  little Angel in the Heavens and made many visit to the Earth and taught about the messages of the Divine . It was part of what you did and was very clear that you where very Happy to do this work. We are so glad that the opportunity to Channel has come t you again and so we see more opportunity for to work withe the Angels in the Realm of Healing and Diverse messages will come to you  so your intuition is quite right that you will be working with the Angels and Ascended master of knowledge and wisdom. So we are all so excited to bring these messages of light and love to you. there will be more information to share as time and your connections grows stronger.

We are going to make more tweaks and adjustments in your field to bring you to a higher resonance. It is more about retweaking the dials on the tv rather than raising the resonance . You resonance will grow higher with the work as Trance channel. The more you trance channel the more messages and adjustments you will receive to bring your resonance to a higher allowable rhythm for you to bring in the messages .

Believe in yourself as a Trance Channel you will be more exposed to the light and more vibrant than ever before. So we are going to be making more tweaks and adjustments to your field as you come closer to your graduation date. So in this process we will be working to making you field lighter and and Brighter as this is part of the work that we do. It is a job  that we do for a trance Channels . So in regards to names we are the crew that comes in and prepares that channels for the energy they will be receiving as they filter in more light they will need some constant adjustment .

So be ok will the tweaking that will occur from time to time you will sense a shift in your field that is quite unique and more luministic as the light expands so will you . As this is the process for being a Trance Channel. We are welcoming more light being into your field as this will also raise your resonance.

So much has not been told to you in regards to what you will be doing as trance channels and where this will take you . So there are many options for trance Channelers and Healers that choose to work wiht the light . You obviously have chosen the light for many reasons. This is more familiar to you and more vibrant for you to channel . We are Grateful for the chance to work with you in the light so we must also say that your options are immense as a Healer. When you from the various modalities  to assist others you are also assisting yourself as well . This is really what the focus is . Assisting others to find their own light and reach their potentials as a unique aspects of the Divine. Remember that you are an aspect of he Divine and that your  choices will Define you as a Human being and you will Certainly be able to work in Higher vibrations.

Worthy are the Children of light that seek Divine compassion and light for this is the key to their salvation. When you focus on the light that illuminates from within then you expand the consciousness within. When you see you own light then you are truly expanding the souls greatest aspect . When you see the truth of your very being  then you see the face of the Divine and the Secrets of the mystery that await you. Your time has come to be the trance channel that you have always wanted to be . The journey was on of illumination  and expansion . This journey has and continues to lead you through asn expansion of your soul. So as most journeys there are truths behind the journey and the lights vary from journey to journey. One thing that remains constantly expanding is the Divine with you fabric of  your soul. So as most journeys go we have more knowledge and light to share with you. This is the nature of soul work . We as the light beings who regard you as a trance channel will seek out your service to welcome you into the Divine Connection with the Beings of light chosen for you to represent the Sacred councils of a time before knowledge existed and man was just a mere concept. We are grateful for this service which your providing and look forward to your Divine service as a Channel for the light Keepers of Knowledge. In this Sacred time of Awakening their will be many who will seek out your light and recall their Divinity and bring forth their own potential as Sacred being of light we always hold the children of light in the Highest Regard and look forward to expanding and assisting them in their Sacred journey to ascending.

We are grateful and realize that your looking forward to Channeling the Divine messages of light and love and will look towards a more divine connection with you as you further your training through out the realms of light and look forward to your Sacred initiations as aa trance Channeler and Sage.

 for the Oracles have their greatest light within and telling those about the greatest knowledge of all will be most rewarding. For these are the time when these messages will be most needed and these are the times that it will be most received and there is a Divine need for the children of light to hear these Divine messages and these are the times that it will resonate true for the children of light have am more divine connect to the truth that bears forth from these light messages. And these light messages will yield a source of awakening in the souls of those who listen to them....
